Do you want to work at your company or do you need to work there?  If you are a manager the same question goes to you, do your employees want to work there or do they need to work there?

The assumption over the past several decades has always been that employees needed to work for their current employers and thus they are expendable and can be treated as such.  For the most part this has been true.  Employees needed a paycheck, they had bills to pay and expenses to cover.

However, now we are seeing that employees are starting prioritize meaningful work over pay. They would rather have a job that they enjoy and earn less money at then have a job that they don’t enjoy but pays them more.  This is a big shift which dramatically impacts how organizations hire and how they will attract and retain top talent.  The “need” generation of workers is on their way out and is being replaced by a generation of “want” workers.

Organizations that will continue to exist and thrive are going to focus on how to get employees to WANT to work there instead of assuming that employees NEED to work there.  The game has shifted and employees are not expendable the way they used to be.  They are valuable assets, team members, and resources.

So when looking at your company ask yourself, do people WANT to work there or do people NEED to work there?



